Christian L'Heureux
Moment Factory

Christian L'Heureux

An illustrious career in multimedia design and management gives Christian L’Heureux the skills to create magic within his position as Producer at Moment Factory. The clarity of his long-term vision is rooted in his experience as the architect of a multimedia strategy for the Québec Casino Society, where he worked as Head of Multimedia Environment Services, directing almost $30M of investment into otherworldly and dynamic visitor experiences. His developed visual aesthetic, derived from years of innovative website design, keeps him connected to a project’s creative side. Christian knows how to derive the most from opportunities and a man of seemingly limitless ideas. Christian holds an MS in Communications, specializing in Interactive Media, and joined Moment Factory in April of 2016. He is a marathon runner, happiest when faced with a challenge, and uses his keen intelligence to guide creative and technical teams into productive and encouraging collaborative processes. With a ready smile and a fresh perspective, Christian specializes in outside-the-box thinking that will surprise and inspire.
