Ruud de Deugd

Ruud de Deugd

Product Manager
With his roots securely founded in the engineering office of Prolyte and trained as Mechanical engineer, Ruud de Deugd flew out in 2012 to combine his expert engineering skills with the daily practice of rigging projects under the name of T&E Support. Swapping his desk to get the smell of diesel on the arena floor once in a while; his unique combination of hands-on skills, insight in rigging projects and engineering expertise, linking theory and practice, makes Ruud a welcome member of our lecturing team. As Product Manager RoofSystems Ruud can be found at Prolyte on a weekly basis and holds responsibility for developing and maintaining Prolyte's portefolio of Roof systems.


Thursday, November 16, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Truss Unraveled - Technical Truss Training by Prolyte Group
Thursday, November 16, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Truss Unraveled - Technical Truss Training by Prolyte Group